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Deployment Helper Objective

  • To provide clickable platform for
    • New Software developer
    • Experienced developers to save their time and effort
    • Organizations to create and deployment projects in less time with junior resources
    • Extend support to most popular OSS templates to be deployed quickly
    • Provide platform for Organizations/Developers to create customized Deployment Flow for future re-use.
    • Provide capabilities to fork currently running application with data migration

Thumb Rules#

  • Every component of the project will work on open standards
  • Every component of the project will work with Automation as much as possible
  • Every component of the project will have AI integration as much as possible
  • Plugin based system

Next Steps#

  • Analyse previously created work
  • Distribute applications in domains/components
  • Draft requirements for each domains/components
  • Create HLD/LLD for each domain/component
  • Create Wire frames for each domain/component
  • Design deployment and release flow
  • Design Multi-Environment deployment philosophy
  • Design project dependencies(Designs and documentation) management

Design project dependencies(Designs and documentation) management#

Objective: Designs and documentations should be hostable and accessible publicly

What we have?

  • Project Overview
  • Tutorials
  • Project Technical designs
  • API specifications

Plugin based system#

We need plugins to extend core system.

What is core system? Core system will be responsible for

  • Collecting credentials
  • Providing basic features
    • Authentication
    • Listing templates, and other things

What will be plugins? Plugins will be peace of code on top of core features in current context

  • Template deployment steps will be a driven by plugins

Web Browser extension to add deployment button on the fly#